Jetting away on a trip is great, but it can also take a toll on your body. Here are some common problems and how to combat them on your next trip.
- Dehydration: Due to the lack of air circulation and high altitude when you are on a plane, there is hardly any moisture in the air. To help combat that, it is crucial to think about what you eat and drink before and after your flight. Avoiding big meals or salt before a flight will help prevent dehydration and bloating. Even after your plane lands, be sure to keep drinking water to restore the hydration in your body.
- Germs: Due to close proximity, you are more exposed to germs when you are on a plane. Shared surfaces like your tray table, seatbelt, and armrest are frequently touched and therefore tend to be covered with germs. Be sure to carry hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes with you.
- Sleep: Jetlag can sneak up on you, especially on a trip with a long journey. Exposure to light is very important when it comes to regulating your body and its sense of time. That’s not just letting yourself adjust to the time change and light, but also blue light from your smartphone or tablet. It is important to avoid exposure to blue light when you are trying to catch up on sleep on your travels.
- Ears: Due to the air pressure while on planes, it can cause stress on your ears. During take-off and landing, you can often feel the sensation of your ears popping. To help prevent the discomfort, try yawning or swallowing to open the eustachian tubes during take-off and landing. It is advised to avoid flying if you have an ear infection.
- Circulation: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a common concern when flying for many people. Flying can sometimes cause blood clots (usually affected in the legs) and can be extremely serious. This happens and is more common when traveling long distances due to the lack of activity within their legs. To prevent any issues, try and keep active by stretching or walking up and down the aisle at least once per hour if it is a long flight. Additionally, you can also wear properly fitted flight socks which speed up the blood flow in the veins and can reduce the risk of blood clotting.
- Pre-Existing Condition: If you have a pre-existing condition, it is important to speak with your doctor to check and see if the conditions might impact you. Another important thing to consider is your medication to always be sure it is in your carry-on bag just in case your checked suitcase was to go missing you won’t be without your medication.
Vacation should be relaxing and fun, but it is important to make sure you keep yourself healthy along the way. If you have any questions regarding travel precautions or anything along those lines, make an appointment with your general practitioner to review. To do this, make sure you have the best insurance possible for your conditions and concerns, talk to a licensed agent at LIG Solutions today.
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