When it comes to any upcoming procedures or surgeries, you never know what costs lie ahead. So, before you have a procedure done, be sure to take these steps to make sure you don’t get left with an unexpected, huge bill.
- Get To Know Your Insurance: Check the details of your insurance plan. Start by determining what plan you have. Many plans are employer-sponsored plans and are co-pay plans that come with some level of coverage from the first dollar. However, if you have a high-deductible plan, you must hit a certain monetary threshold out-of-pocket before coverage kicks in. Additionally, you should also be familiar with which doctors are in your network, what procedures are fully or partially covered, any out-of-pocket maximums, or whether your co-pay varies depending on whether you visit a primary care physician or specialist.
- Shop Around For The Best Price For You: Even when having a good understanding of what is covered by your insurance, it can be difficult to figure out exactly how a treatment can be priced. The most common issue that comes up typically is high deductibles. Call other providers in your network to see who offers the best rate.
- Negotiate Your Bill: If your bill comes and it is higher than you imagined, the first step is to review the charges. Ask for an itemized bill to see what they have charged you for. If you believe you are being charged too much, talk to your insurance company about any discrepancies.
If you have any upcoming procedures that you know of this year, start doing your research. Speak with an LIG agent to make sure your insurance coverage options are right for you, your doctors, and any future procedures. Following these steps will help make sure that you aren’t left with a big bill as you begin to start your recovery.
To learn more about your insurance choices, connect with one of our agents today to discuss all your options and answer any questions you may have. The experts at LIG Solutions have licensed health insurance professionals intending to offer a simple and transparent view of healthcare coverage. There’s no need to spend hours trying to understand different plan options – we’ll work with you to understand your needs and budget to recommend a plan that will work the best for you. And because we have no vested interest in which insurance carrier you go through, you can rest easy knowing we are truly looking out for your employee’s best interests.
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