Seasonal Affective Disorder: How To Turn Around Your Anxieties

The existence of wintertime depression is called “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” The symptoms often are persistent sadness or anxiety, a sense of hopelessness, decreased energy, overeating, and oversleeping. When you see these things creeping in this winter season, there are many things you can do to help alleviate that pain of depression or dread.

If you or a loved one find it challenging to cope with anxiety and need help, please contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for more support and treatment facilities in your area.

If prescriptions are not an option at this moment, other natural remedies for anxiety can be useful. While they do not cure or treat anxiety, they can help make the lows not so low.

  1. Herbs: many herbs can help ease anxiety and reduce symptoms. Chamomile is one of the most well-known herbs, often consumed in tea form, which can be effective. Melatonin is another great option especially when it comes to having a restful sleep.
  2. Mindful Movement: Moving the body is a great way to get endorphins flowing. Yoga is a wonderful outlet connecting your movement to breath. In one analysis in 2022, it was found that yoga can be more effective than non-mindful exercise in relieving anxiety symptoms.
  3. Breathing: Bringing awareness to your breathing and your thoughts can help bring the overpowered thoughts of anxiety down. Try “Box Breathing” which is the act of breathing in for 4 slowly letting the air fill your lungs, holding for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and resting for 4 seconds. This can help ease anxiety in part by reducing the body’s stress response signals.
  4. Relaxation: “Just Relax” is a lot of asking of someone when they may be facing anxiety, but physically relaxing your muscles can aid a lot in decreasing your anxiety. Finding ways to release tension from your muscles can eliminate some of that stress.
  5. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a great natural approach to reducing anxiety, especially if the anxiety causes any chronic pain. It can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety as well as pain, sleep disturbances, stiffness, fatigue, or depression.
  6. Physical Exercise: Physical exercise is known to help alleviate anxiety and helps protect against anxiety symptoms.
  7. Meditation: Mindful medication can help focus on the present rather than worrying about the past or the future. Meditation goes hand in hand with breathing exercises and is a great way to reduce stress.
  8. Sleep Hygiene: Anxiety can often make it hard to fall asleep and get a good night’s sleep, but also on the flip side, not getting enough sleep can cause more anxiety. It is important to protect yourself by creating a consistent bedtime routine, creating a healthy sleep environment, and reaching out to a professional if lifestyle changes are not working.
  9. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can worsen anxiety over time. It also can increase the risk of alcohol use disorder in people with pre-existing mental health conditions. Alcohol may numb anxiety, but what’s left is an increase in anxiety as the alcohol leaves your system.
  10. Quit Smoking: Nicotine use rates are higher in people with anxiety. As it is often used to cope with anxiety, it is not a natural remedy.
  11. Reduce Caffeine Consumption: If you are experiencing anxiety, it is important to keep caffeine consumption to a minimum only because it can induce feelings of anxiety. In some cases, it can trigger panic attacks.
  12. Grounding: This is another mindful technique that is used to improve stress levels and overall mood. By putting your bare feet to the earth it connects you to its electric charge.

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