Now more than ever, there are health coverage providers and administrators in person and virtually! For anything medical related there is paperwork that needs to be filled out, but what are they doing with your information, who has access to it and where is it going?
Know what your HIPAA rights are
HIPAA is a federal law that was created in 1996 to protect your health information. Healthcare providers, health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and business associates must abide by HIPAA privacy standards. Doctors, medical staff, insurance companies, medical processing information centers, consultants, or administrators are some examples of covered entities that must comply with this law. Personal information like social security numbers, medical records, laboratory results, case notes, insurance, and billing information are all covered under HIPAA.
HIPAA allows you to control your medical records and who has access to them. In some cases, a parental guardian or personal representative can be granted authority to access medical records under your permission. Certain situations can occur where your information can be access without your authorization during emergencies like if you were hospitalized, mentally unable to give permission, or disabled. Healthcare provides are required through HIPAA to provide documentation if requested.
If you feel that your HIPAA rights have been violated, report the incident to the Office for Civil Rights. Be aware of what information you fill out online, through the mail, and over the phone. Read over privacy policies and why they are requesting your information and what they are doing with it to ensure it will be protected.
We take HIPAA very seriously at LIG Solutions and your information will always be protected.
LIG Solutions can help you review your health coverage options – contact the team at LIG today! Check your organization’s membership section to learn how to access this exclusive member benefits program.
Call 877-804-9756 to be connected to a LIG licensed advisor today or fill out the form below to request more information.
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